A week ago today on July 8th my Mum and Dad's dog Ellie had to be put to sleep. She was the sweetest dog and My Jack Russell's best friend.
Ellie was found by a lorry driver, wandering on a motorway in Liverpool, never claimed, she was eventually shipped down to Brighton RSPCA where they thought she would stand more chance of getting a home.
We went there looking for a dog and she chose my Mum as her new owner. It took her a long time to settle in, she didn't bark for over a year - in fact we thought she couldn't. (She made up for this later in life though!) She sat on her bed in the kitchen huddled in the corner, scared of her own shadow, eventually realising what a lovely, safe, new home she had - filled with love and she responded accordingly. She was nearly 14 when she died and we all miss her so much.
© 2010 nicky linzey for Illustration Friday